Underwood flyers are being prepared for people to hand out.
There are various actions already planned and you can call 0424 337 533 to find out about these and get involved.
One of these actions includes cardboard cockatoos and white crosses being placed around UWA to mark the threat of extinction. Otherwise we encourage to you to get together with some friends or family, get creative and come along on Sunday between 10am-4pm and bring a banner/placard/costume or just your voice, and join the rest of us as we protest against this destruction and raise awareness for Underwood's protection.
UWA promotional events and stalls will be spread out over campus, but most of the action will probably happen around Winthrop hall and the front entrance of the uni.
see map of UWA
Meet at 9:30am at the front entrance of UWA ( Stirling HWY and Winthrop Ave) for a coordinated/mass gathering for about an hour.
Great to have your support Wilma!