is a global event happening in more than 700 cities worldwide to bring people together.
When: Tuesday 5 October 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Where: Central (TAFE) East Perth Campus at 140 Royal Street, come by train, just 2 minutes from Claissebrook station. There plenty of free parking available at the back of the building off the Brown Street entrance.
How: Central Institute of Technology is providing one voucher per person for a choice of drink + finger food. Following drinks are non alcoholic.
What: Network, interact, talk, laugh, debate, drink, have fun!
RSVP: Green Drinks is a free event but please rsvp before Thursday 30 September 5pm - rsvp@central.wa.edu.au
Topic of tonight: Saving our wildlife
Harry McNally is talking about his participating in numbat radio tracking at Dryandra woodland
More info on Numbats
Margaret Owen is talking about Black Cockatoos in Perth
Take action on preserving habitat for cockatoos here.
Discussion afterwards on how important it is for us to save our wildlife and how many groups are active on this topic in WA.
Hope to see you there!
Central Institute of Technology
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