"When you consider the amount of trees used to produce the paper and the water used, the fuel and energy required for the production and distribution, the chemicals that are used in the printing process, the CO2 that's released into the atmosphere and the amount of paper rubbish that ends up in landfill, it's an incredible waste if those catalogues aren't being read," he said.
Junk mail makes up an astonishing six per cent of Australia's total paper usage, amounting to 240,000 tonnes of paper annually. The water needed to produce a year's worth of catalogues could fill 8,640 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
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I got a bit annoyed the last couple of weeks when the community paper (Western Suburbs Weekly) is filled with junkmail when it ends up in my mail box while I have a NO Junk Mail sticker. Hope they stop doing this, as I am not asking for all that extra paper, I am only interested in the paper, if people want to advertise please do it in the paper instead.
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