The first litters of Christmas kittens have already arrived at Cat Haven and the shelter is preparing for another busy and traumatic Christmas.
Cat Haven spokeswoman Jessica Reid said they expected about 2000 cats would be dumped between December and January.
“The biggest reason for the influx of kittens at Christmas time was that not enough cats were being sterilised as cats will breed during the warmer months and from late September onwards thousands of kittens are born that never find homes,” she said.
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I can not believe that there are so many irresponsible cat owners out there, it's the first thing you do when you get a cat; desex it!
We have two pretty cats of six years old, we got them as babies, an acquaintance found them in his garden with a wild cat. We adopted the two little kittens and before they were 6 months old had them desexed at Cathaven. Every morning they go play in the garden and every evening before sunset they are getting back in the house to minimise the disturbance of wildlife which is most active during dawn and dusk and at night.
I wish every pet owner was more responsible; as those cute looking little kittens are all growing up into majestic cats who are domesticated wild animals and need to be taken care of if we don't want them to harm the environment. It's not that difficult!
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