Christopher Zinn of consumer advocacy group Choice said pre-packaged and ready-to-go food had become a way of life for many but the convenience was costly.
"There are certainly high costs attached as soon as you take any fresh produce and peel it or take a leaf off it or cut it there is a premium that you pay for, and sometimes it is quite high," Mr Zinn said.
"These companies that make the products try and work out how much people are prepared to pay for convenience and charge for the package accordingly."
Read article with heaps of examples for people who are not used to put a little bit of afford in preparing food. It's worth it!

Read also this article: Keep your eyes peeled – good things come in natural packaging
The pre-peeled potato has arrived at our local supermarket, the perfect product for those people just too busy to spend the 40 seconds it takes to peel a couple of spuds.
I wonder what they do with the 40 seconds they save? Read Proust? Train for the Olympic squad? Knock out a few pelvic floor exercises?
The potato, you might notice, comes equipped with its own packaging but, since this has been removed, a substitute plastic packaging must be added, the potatoes sitting nude and glistening in their presentation tub, another sheet of plastic draped over the top like a see-through Doona.
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