10 Apr 2008

How green is your love life?

It is a dark and stormy night. The empty bottle of organic wine has been put into the recycling bin. Its cork lies on the kitchen bench, ready to be whittled into an attractive dolphin pendant.

You crank up the wind-up radio - there's nothing sexier than Earth Hour on Radio National - and the flames on the hand-poured soy wax candles flicker as your partner picks a home-grown native raspberry from their banana leaf plate and nibbles seductively.
Slipping between organic cotton bed sheets, thoughts might turn to the common outcome of sex: not just awkward silences over breakfast, but babies. In an overpopulated world, having children is about as environmentally responsible as owning a Hummer, so contraception should be discussed.

Urine produced by women on the pill contains so many hormones that when sewage enters waterways it turns male fish into females, studies have found. So that rules that out.
Condoms should not be flushed down the toilet. As if it was not bad enough turning female, the last thing a poor fish needs is to have to tackle one of those things. Latex is biodegradable, but animals rightists concerned that condoms contain casein, a milk protein, should buy vegan condoms from the Australian company Glyde. Instead of casein, it uses a thistle derivative, prickles removed.
Fans of sex toys should think twice: most plastic "personal massagers" contain phthalates, chemicals used to soften plastic and give it a squishy feel. Studies on animals have linked phthalates with damage to the liver and reproductive systems. Fortunately, there are sex toys made from glass, metal and silicon. There is even a solar vibrator: no batteries required.
Read the whole story

Treehugger has ten tips how to green your sexlife.

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