27 Jan 2010

Perth Green Drinks - 9 February


You are invited for the Perth Green Drinks on 9 February 2010

Green Drinks is for anyone involved in the environment and related fields. Green groups / NGOs, Freelancers and consultants, Companies, Students, Academics, Government departments, Local Authorities, Younger as well as older people so please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in meeting other people related to sustainability.

Green Drinks is a self-organizing network of professionals, students and enthusiasts working in sustainability who meet up in cities around the world for drinks once a month, or every second month in Perth. Everyone is invited to come and have fun, make contacts, get ideas, share information, find inspiration, and of course, to drink!
Green Drinks is GLOBAL: active in more than 600 cities worldwide!

When: Tuesday 9 February 6.00 – 8.00 pm

Where: TAFE East Perth Campus at 140 Royal Street, come by train, just 2 minutes walking from Claissebrook station. A limited amount of free car parking is also available at the rear entrance to the campus off the Fielder Street. (more info including map on attachment)

How: TAFE is providing a free drink + nibbles on the table.

What: Network, interact, talk, laugh, debate, drink, have fun!

RSVP: Before Monday 8 February 5pm suzi.mercier @ central.wa.edu.au

SPEAKER: Shane Parker on behalf of Linda Parker, Managing Director ofHave you experienced difficulties networking with the right green contacts, or simply struggle to find the right information at times?
Greenseekers will raise the discussion about making the right green connections, and the difficulties that may be encountered. Included will be;
• Training - for newcomers, professional development and best practice teachings
• Job Search – connecting green jobseekers with green employers
• Projects and Contracts– The development of strong teams of service providers working towards a common goal
• Information – Finding ideal business partners and everyday contacts
• Raising your profile – Join Irvin’s growing Greenseekers Army 1500+ and counting.....
Many forums and networks are driven by niche industries, Greenseekers is for everyone. Greenseekers has been developed to offer a simple networking framework to enable people of all skill ranges operating within all levels of greenness to connect communicate and grow. Come along to see how Greenseekers will address the issues discussed.

Hope to see you there!

Wilma van Boxtel
02 liaison Western Australia
o2 global network for sustainable design

Meet international Green Drinkers and become a member of the Perth Green Drinks group at NING

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