31 Mar 2011

Grow trees in the desert with the Waterboxx

I just read the story about the amzing simple Waterboxx on the Dutch website Wereldomroep

The Groasis waterboxx is introduced by AquaPro Holland, a private company founded by the inventor Pieter Hoff. The Groasis waterboxx is a biomimicry technology, it's an artificial copy of how Mother Nature solved the problem (Look at the animations).

With the waterboxx eroded areas including many deserts (mainly caused by human activity) can be restored with little effort and at low cost. Please read the summary or, if you have more time, read all the documents and download further information and calculations. You'll than understand the principle, know the costs, see the (business) opportunities created by this invention.

It migth also be an excellent product to promote growing trees in the Australian outback! The Waterboxx is not expensive at 10 Euro per box and you can re-use it every year.


  1. I am in the U.S. but we are having drought too. I am using this device to grow a giant Sequoia (I believe you call them Wellingtonia) and am selling them at DewHarvest.com

  2. Great to hear you are using them too in the US!

  3. Anonymous17.11.13

    hi wilma, i am also from Perth. i want to buy at least one Waterboxx to try out this summer and i found the groasis site has a minimum order of 10 waterboxxes. this is fine except the shipping cost to Perth is AU$252. Do you know of any distributors in Australia where i could buy just one or two to try out? Also, do you know of anyone here already growing with them who would share their knowledge about it? i'd love to see one. p.s. what suburb are you living in? i'm near subiaco.

  4. @ Anonymous:
    On the Groasis website you can order five Waterboxxes for free. The company will only charge the shipping costs.

  5. Do you have a local supplier in Australia for the Waterboxx?
    As the shipping costs are extremely high.
