2 Jul 2011

Carbon tax myths

Myth 1: It'a a tax on you.
The price on pollution is not a tax on individuals, on households, or on small or medium-sized businesses. It’s a tax on the top 1,000 biggest polluting companies in Australia – the top 1% who produce 75% of Australia’s pollution. Until now, these companies have been allowed to pump their waste into our air for free. Crazy, eh?

Myth 2: Households won't be able to afford it.
Australia's top 1,000 corporate polluters should foot the bill, with pass through costs to the average household electricity bill expected to be around a cup of coffee per week.

With half the money raised by the tax to go to low and middle income households as compensation, 2.6 million households should in fact be better off! The rest of the money should go to supporting investment in clean energy and compensating affected industries.

Myth 3: It will cost thousands of jobs.
Climate action doesn’t kill jobs, it creates jobs.
Modeling by the CSIRO, Treasury and many others supports that Australia can take bold steps to reduce emissions AND drive overall employment growth. The CSIRO predicts an extra 2.5-3.3 million jobs by 2026, including strong growth in industries like construction, transport, agriculture, manufacturing and even mining.

Climate Institute research found that regional Australia could see to a net increase of 34,000 jobs with a price on carbon and clean energy policies

The rest of the top ten myths are in a factsheet you can download here or click on the picture to enlarge it.

1 comment:

  1. Tax is okay as long as the government use it wisely.
