Shane Parker from InterCAD has invited the Perth Green Drinks to attend one of their monthly SWUG (Solid Works Users Group) meetings on Tuesday 1 April.
I'ts especially aimed on the designers, engineers and architects in this group but anyone else who is interested in the topics is welcome too.
You have to RSVP for this meeting at the website of SWUG, click here if you are planning to come. Click on the Yes button and fill in your details. If you have problems to do so you might want to send an email to swugwa@westnet.com.au
6:00 PM Tuesday, 01 April 08
WA Innovation Centre
Suite 4, Enterprise Unit 3
11 Brodie Hall Drive
(Entrance off de Laeter Way)
Google Map
6.30 PM Australia's Inconvenient Truth... For Engineers
Glen Fraser
There has been a lot of 'hype' about recently with regards a number of environmental issues that face our society, with the possiblity of climate change as a result of human activity being failry well front and centre.
This presentation aims to remove the hype and buzz, and present some facts - including what can and is being done presently - from an engineer's perspective.
7:30 PM Break
8.00 PM Building a Wave Energy Device
David King
The Perth office of JP Kenny has been successful in building and operating (approx) a 1/3 scale prototype of what is effectively a floating, man made, blowhole capable of generating electricity from the power of passing waves.
The project is now in the final design phases for the full scale device.
SolidWorks and CosmosWorks has been used extensively in the development cycle, and David has kindly agreed to fill us in on what has been happening, and how they have gone about a very challenging project.
I hope to meet a few of you there.
The event with the Concervation Council is postponed to June. I keep you posted.
Kind regards,
Wilma van Boxtel
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