10 Mar 2008


Scoodi is a new and exciting Australian-based initiative that gives you a free and easy way to get rid of your unwanted things and find items you need. Ever wanted to clean out your garage, but don't want to throw useful stuff away? coodi strongly believes that re-cycling is good, but re-use is even better. It works pretty simple; Scoodi searches for things inside a geographical area with a location that you set at the centre. For example if you live in Leederville you can set an area for 20 km around Leederville to look for what you need.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10.3.08

    Hi Wilma

    Thank you for mentioning Scoodi on your site. Things are really starting ot get rolling for us. We have only been live for 6 months and are now starting to pick up some momentum.

    We have a few users in Western Australia although it mucy be said, not very much content. Your readers can help us out by listing some unwanted stuff. Our other WA users will be automatically notifed that you have. By listing something you let teh rest of the community know thta you are there.

    Thanks again

