14 May 2009

iPods and mobile phones the new climate enemy

THE amount of energy used up by luxury gadgets could triple in the coming decades, an international agency has warned.

Demand for power-thirsty gadgets like mobile phones, iPods and big-screen TVs is undoing efficiency gains elsewhere, the International Energy Agency said today.

The agency urged developed governments to keep pace with the invention of new consumer devices when crafting efficiency standards and implored people to make thriftier choices.
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How Much Energy Can a Gadget Minimalist Save?
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous14.5.09

    I completely agree with you that luxury gadgets will surely create a pandemonium. The amount of energies they are going to gobble up will drastically affect the global environment. I’ve found a great way to track weather updates recently on http://www.trackle.com/catalog/weather/ (www.trackle.com) it works!!
