7 Oct 2008

Thousands of cane toads killed near NT

ALMOST 50,000 cane toads have been destroyed within two weeks on a Northern Territory cattle station near the WA border, says a group fighting the pests.

The group of volunteers had made their huge haul of cane toads using a new weapon in the war against the pests; by erecting 40cm-high temporary fences around the toads' waterhole habitats had allowed them to take advantage of the toads' reliance on water during the late northern dry season.

"It's amazing to see the difference in efficiency from the normal hand collection and trapping methods," STTF director Russell Gueho said. "By blocking off their water source, we are able to remove large numbers that get stopped by the fences with relatively small numbers of people."

He said the fences, which could be erected by two people within a few hours (and usually taken down after a week), were designed with a gap that enabled small native animals to enter or leave the waterholes.
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