The West Australian Government plans to push ahead with building an enormous sea port to funnel the Kimberley's stocks of liquid natural gas and other minerals offshore, and has indicated it may strip the local Aboriginal community of its previously granted right of veto over the development.
Mr McKenzie is with a group of indigenous representatives in Sydney to highlight their case against the 1000-hectare development in conjunction with the release of the film. They believe the port would trample cultural heritage and damage the eco-tourism industry, which has flourished in the past decade.
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Although Aboriginal people indicated they did not want Europeans visiting their campsite, amicable relations prevailed and trading occurred. The Aborigines called the Europeans "Djanga", or spirits returned from the dead land of Kurrenup the land beneath the Goomber Wardarn in the direction of the setting sun. Flinders so appreciated their friendly behaviour that he gave a special parade of the soldiers under his command.