You are invited to an extra Perth Green Drinks to enjoy the Earth from Above outdoor photography exhibition where Jane Hoiting, project director, is going to give a talk about the exhibition at 7.30 and Scott Bennett is bringing some Greenman beers, an environmentally conscious brand, to sample.
Meet at 7pm in front of the WA museum, the grassy part left of the stairs, to try some Greenman beer and we will meet Jane at 7.30 to start the tour The Earth from Above.

When: 9 December
Time: 7pm
Where: In front of the WA museum
Who: Everyone who wants to come
Hope to see you there!
About Jane:
Jane Hoiting is the project director of Earth from Above Australia and director of Nomad Exhibitions, a not-for-profit organisation whose remit is simple: to present the Earth from Above exhibition to as many Australians as possible.
“I hope the exhibition allows people to see and appreciate the beauty of the world, to inspire them to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for it, to ensure its richness – both physically and socially – is protected.”
About Scott and his beer check this.
Thanks Wilma. I'm excited to meet you and the rest of the group.