When they do recycle Tetra Paks (which is rare, on their own website they admit that worldwide, only 18% of them are), what do they turn it into? In North America: toilet paper.
If you can get it recycled. Only 20% of America has access to recycling facilities for Tetra Pak, the rest goes into landfill.
And what is Tetra Pak recycling? There is no question, they are doing a lot of work here to get that paper separated from that foil and polyethylene. Treehugger has an interesting article on Tetra Pak's read it here.
Speaker: Dr Jill StJohn, Wilderness Society Friday 30 October, 3.30-5pm
It is over two months since a West Atlas mobile offshore drilling unit leaked oil about 250 kilometres north of Truscott, and 690 kilometres west of Darwin. The fourth attempt at plugging the leak has been postponed due to equipment failure. The leak is considered to have covered 45,000 square kilometres of ocean.
Following a mass protest in the city of Perth on Friday morning at 11am, the WA Marine Co-ordinator of the Wilderness Society, Dr Jill St John, will present a paper outlining the enormity of the leak, dangers to the marine life in the vicinity and what individuals can actually do to make a difference.
All welcome. Location: SymbioticA Room 228, Level 2, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia.
SymbioticA- The Centre of Excellence in Biological Arts
4,000+ events took place in 183 countries, all with the same message; that the planet could tolerate a maximum level of 350 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere.
If anything is going to solve the climate crisis, it's this sort of global enthusiasm. Hope this makes you smile.
Click picture to enlarge. The Australian Youth Climate Coalition is coordinating the Pacific arm of Project Survival, known as Project Survival Pacific (PSP). The project aims to raise awareness about climate change in Australia and the Pacific, support the participation of Pacific nations in international climate negotiations, and empower Pacific youth to take action to ensure the long-term survival of their region.
Climate change has become one of the most serious threats to the survival of people of the Pacific. Pacific island nations are also extremely underesourced in international climate negotiations. PSP are currently fundraising for one or two Pacific youth to attend the UN negotiations to share their stories, as well as supporting climate action groups in several Pacific island nations. On Thursday this week (29th October), Matt is running a short film evening in Fremantle to raise awareness about the plight of Pacific countries with respect to climate change as well as raising some funds for the project. Contact Matt for more info.
Australia could have a population of 35 million people 40 years from now, federal Treasury projections show.
Fairfax newspapers said Treasury secretary Ken Henry, who revealed the projection on Thursday, questioned whether Australia's environment could accommodate an extra 13 million people by 2049, saying: "With a population of 22 million, we haven't managed to find accommodation with the environment," Dr Henry said in Brisbane. Read article
Rudd welcomes 'big Australia' Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says he believes in a "big Australia" and that the population forecast is good news for the country, but he does concede that it poses complex challenges.
"That is why we're taking a leading position on climate change but also the long-term sustainability of the Murray-Darling and the proper provision of water supplies for the future. Read article Population growth 'damaging' AUSTRALIA will struggle to deal with the environment challenges thrown up by its growing population, the Treasury Secretary, Ken Henry believes. Read article
Institute One Child Policy for a "Sustainable" Australia : Population Control Group CANBERRA, April 24, 2009 - A population control pressure group has issued a call for the Australian government to institute a one-child policy to ensure the continent's environmental and economic "sustainability." Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) said this week that Australia's 22 million people must be reduced to 7 million and that restricting each couple to one baby, as China does, is "one way of assisting to reduce the population" and avoiding "environmental suicide." Read article
Kelvin Thomson's speech to the House of Representatives in the Australian Parliament on 17 August 2009 in the Grievance Debate and is titled 'Global Population', Kelvin is the Labor member for Wills in Victoria.
Hundreds of students and motoring enthusiasts are gathering in Darwin for the first stage of scrutineering for an international solar car race.
A pavilion at the Darwin Showgrounds has been transformed into a pit bay to check 12 solar cars from Australia, Japan, the Netherlands and Great Britain.
Volunteer scrutineers are testing rear vision indicators, brake lights, batteries, car weights, rollover protection and the tyres of these cockroach-like creations that will reach speeds of over 100 kmh in the race from Darwin to Adelaide, which begins on Sunday.
The Delft University(From Holland!) team has taken home the prestigous Silver Sun trophy for the last four international solar car races. Read article
Did you find it hard to find good, relevant, up to date information about your career choices when starting out in the Environmental Industry? Would you like to help create the next generation of Environmental Professionals? You’ll appreciate that detailed information on career options and potential is essential to help professionals find their place within the sector?
Research is now underway to document the range of professional environmental jobs across Australia, and identify the types of skills, knowledge and experience associated with these jobs. This information will be used to create a 2010 Australian Guide to Environmental Careers.
We are calling for all Environmental Professionals to take part in a survey to help provide the detailed information on the ever expanding breadth of green jobs out there. The survey asks questions about your current role, your career history and future plans and takes 25 minutes to complete.
We know this is lunch time sacrificed, but the information you provide will be used to help the sector to continue to secure professionals and suitable personnel, now and in the future. An investment that we believe is worth making.
TWO-THIRDS of used tyres from Australian vehicles are being sent to Asia under cheap waste export deals that have quietly tripled in size over two years, undercutting national recycling plans.
The booming export exercise leaves fewer tyres being dumped in Australian landfill, but it also contradicts parts of the international Basel Convention on moving hazardous waste, of which Australia is signatory.
Dave West, the director of a recycling body, the Boomerang Alliance, said successive government departments had avoided their responsibility to develop a national framework for recycling. Read article
This site is dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better. Be it for yourself, for the environment, or for something entirely different, the only thing that matters is that it’s change for the better.
As a kid I was intriged by the big sculptures of fairytale people in the Efteling theme park who wanted us to put all rubbish in their mouth and sucked it inside while muttering thanks and some were even telling whole stories. We couldn't find enough lolly papers to put in their mouths. I suggest every theme park should have them!
The Fun Theory people have a few interesting examples on their website to get people more interested in recyling bottles and cans. And if you have any good ideas please enter the competition before 15 November and win 2500 Euro
Competition Rules Find your own evidence for the theory that fun is best way to change behaviour for the better. For yourself, for the environment or something entirely different. Your entries should be presented with a written explanation plus a visualisation of the idea itself. It could be a simple sketch, photos or a film of a prototype. You decide what will do your entry justice. More info here.
A natural way of cleaning your teeth and according a friend it makes your teeth much whiter too! The advantages of using a branch of Miswak are: - does not require: water or sink - easily carried - disposable - biodegradable
You can buy Miswak at any shop where you can buy muslim food supplies as they are also using Miswak for religeous meaning. More info on Miswak here and an introduction video here.
AUSTRALIANS have been told they will need to embrace genetically modified foods as the world faces an uphill struggle to feed its growing population.
On World Food Day, the Federal Government warned the world will have to produce 70 per cent more food by the year 2050, with the population expected to boom to 9.1 billion.
The days of people rejecting biotechnology and genetically modified food production were numbered, Agriculture Minister Tony Burke said. Read article I am spending more and more time in the supermarket to read the labels and if I can't find for example the GM free info on the pasta I won't buy it! I know it's mandatory in Australia to put it on the label if it's GM but so far I only can find the GM free label... The big scare is that a lot of the food for animals are genetically manipulated which is not labeled at all...
A short introduction to on Genetically Modified food you can find here. For more GM info focussed on Australia and New Zealand check this.
Critical mass bike ride for 350.org international day of action on climate change-the biggest simultaneous climate action ever.
Meet outside of the PICA gallery, at the cultural center in Perth at 11am.
Take the streets to the esplanade where we assemble for an aerial photo in 350.org formation! then we cruise to parliament house, to meet the other 350.org rally.
Critical mass at a critical point in time for humanity! Ride to show the world that we will not wait patiently for an irreversible climate catastrophe!
The COP15 International climate negotiations are set to take place in Copenhagen this December, and we need to send the strongest possible message to the federal government that Australians want to see a binding climate agreement to stabilise emissions at three hundred and fifty parts per million - the minimum level that scientists believe will be necessary to avert disastrous climate change. With over 2000 actions occurring in over 150 countries, we can all be a part of a climate solution.
After Perth, it’s on to Fremantle, at a friendly pace, finishing up at Clancy's fish pub at around 2pm.
The workshop, presented by the Waste Authority, is on Thursday, 22 October from 7.30 to 10.00am in the Tamala room at the WA Ecology Centre, Perry lakes Drive in Floreat.
People in the recycle industry are urged to drop in, ask questions and offer their feedback to Waste Authority deputy chair Jan Grimoldby. The Draft Waste Strategy is looking to the future and local recyclers are urged to provide feedback on the strategy.
"I Know It Is Possible To Live With Zero Money, Abundantly How? Because it's happening to me, just as it's happening to ants and deer and slugs and sparrows and bacteria and atoms and galaxies. Because it's happening to the whole, infinite universe outside our teeny tiny itty bitty Babylon we call civilization (which we think is the whole universe)".
A new report put together by Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Stanford University examines how environmentally friendly digital music distribution is in comparison to traditional methods. Turns out, carbon emissions and energy use can be cut by 40% to 80%, depending on a few factors, including packaging, shopping methods and delivery methods. Read article
Carnegie Wave Energy has pushed the button to build the first commercial wave energy project in Australia.
The renewable energy hopeful, which has been working to commercialise its CETO renewable wave energy technology developed by Fremantle inventor Alan Burns, confirmed it would use a $12.5 million grant from the State Government's Low Emissions Energy Development Fund to help finance the 5MW project off Garden Island.
The project will produce enough power for 3500 homes, and Carnegie said yesterday it would create 30 jobs and save more than 500,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions over its lifetime. Read article
I am mainly filling this blog with interesting topics which I am gathering from all kind of sources. But what is actually my personal view on climate change?
I read a lot about it and it touches of course the topics I stay focused on as my core business is product design and development; sustainable design! I am not a scientist and can only do so much that's why I am trying to stay up to date on the topics in my field which is how to create sustainable products, perfect product life cycles, on how to chose the best materials and clean production processes.
Of course I have an opinion about climate change, which is I don't care if climate change is worsened by people or if it's a cycle of millions of years, fact is that I know that we have to do something if we won't want to drown in our own garbage. And as we are still multiplying each year there will be issues about enough clean water and healthy food too but what I care more about is nature... where will that go if people overtake every bit with concrete and plastic and processed foods...?
The whole ETS politics is a total other issue and I think there is already a lot of money spend talking about it but we are still in the same stink and I suppose the talks will go on for another couple of years. At least it keeps a whole army of workers afloat; politicians, journalists, researchers, financiers and scumbags! If everyone could please clean up his own mess! And it's pretty normal that when you create more mess you have more to clean up too!
FOR the first time, locally produced genetically engineered canola is entering our food chain.
From oils to margarine, baby food to snacks, muesli to dairy products, GE canola oil can be found in many processed foods, but consumers are oblivious to what food it is in.
A report released by Greenpeace last September said there was only one year left to stop the potential GE contamination of canola, and tonight, as part of the Sydney International Food Festival, a public forum will explain its concern about GE foods. Read article
28 Nov 2007: Furore as ban on crops lifted Farmers in Victoria and NSW will be free to plant genetically modified canola from early next year after both states yesterday announced the lifting of bans on the controversial crops — despite appeals not to do so from Western Australia and Tasmania.
15 April 2009: GM canola WA trial sites announced WA Agriculture Minister Terry Redman has announced today the locations of the 20 genetically modified canola trials in Western Australia. The locations are comprised of 17 farmer trials and three research trials, covering 854 hectares across the State.
I've missed the free breakfast in the city this morning as I start at 12pm today but I ride to work! Did you ride to work today? More information here and here
Workers urged to get on their bike Riding to work's for life, not just for Ride to Work Day.
More than 140,000 workers across Australia are expected to cycle to work across the country on Wednesday, but organisers want new riders to keep the habit going - for their own good and the good of the country.
Organisers predict around 30,000 new cyclists will use Ride to Work Day to experience a two wheel commute for the first time. Read article
The Federal Government, Research Organisations and Industry are working together to develop knowledge and tools to allow assessment of materials, processes and products on the environment. To gather information on the views of Australians on the significance of a range of environmental issues and risks, a series of ‘weightings workshops’ are being held at locations around the country.
We need people from all backgrounds, interests and walks of life to come along and tell us what matters to them. Are rising sea levels the most significant problem we as a country will face, or depletion of fresh water supply? Does ozone depletion matter to you? Or are you more concerned with release of toxins into our waterways?
Please come along and add your valuable opinion to this National initiative. More info here
Perth workshop on Monday, October 26, 10am-1pm at Building Commission, City West Function Centre RSVP to: Ben Kneppers
West Australian Liberals have called on the party's leadership not to finalise any arrangements with the Rudd government on amendments to the bill for an emissions trading scheme.
At its state conference in Perth on Saturday, the party watered down a motion from its WA rural policy committee that had sought to delay any negotiations between the federal parliamentary party and the government until after global climate change talks in December. Read article
Canning Council writes off a $20m investment ( $3m paid plus $3m interest and $14m owing ) in the SMRC and, after 30 June 2010, will send 50,000 tonnes ? approx. of waste per annum to landfill.
Joe's SMRC Master Plan?
A backward step?
A flawed solution?
Dump Canning's rubbish in someone else's backyard?
What about State Government's Zero Waste Policy?
Write-off of $20m is an absolute failure of Council's fiduciary responsibility to the Ratepayers of Canning?
Is this responsible governance?
Can Ratepayers take action against Councillors to recover the $20m ?
More than half of Sunday Age readers support the introduction of an emissions trading scheme regardless of whether other countries follow suit.
Female readers are more likely to conserve water, recycle waste and support Australia going it alone on carbon emissions trading than their male counterparts.
They are also more inclined than men to take shorter showers, buy local produce and restrict garden watering for the sake of the environment. Read article
In this series you are invited to join us as we learn new skills and experiment using recycled materials. The workshops are aimed for adults but children are welcome under supervision. The cost is $5 per workshop to cover buying extra materials. We manage to keep this cost down as you help us by sorting materials for the first hour while finding precious pieces for your art work and getting to know the materials. We hope to develop a real community atmosphere at Remida on Saturdays. All classes run from 1-4pm. Check here for info
Come along to hear Hans Mönninghoff, CEO of the City of Hannover and one of Europe’s most respected Greens, discuss how Hannover has managed its greenhouse emissions reductions.
When: Thursday October 22nd, 5-7pm Where: City of Fremantle, Reception Room RSVP: by 16th Oct: m.sheard@curtin.edu.au
Hannover has achieved significant reductions in greenhouse gas whilst retaining a high quality of life. It also has the world's most successful holistic sustainable model community – Kronsberg - that was completed over ten years ago, and has achieved a 78% reduction in CO2 (amongst many other sustainability goals).
My name is Johanna, and I work for a furniture producer called Berhin Studios. We are hosting a design award called Green Furniture Award every year to encourage the production of furniture with Outstanding Sustainable Design.
On the poster it says that the final date for registration is 1st October 2009, since we’ve received requests that we move the date forward, final date for registration therefore now is 26th October.
Volunteer staff positions are now open at Youth Tree on a brand-new project called Big Help Mob; an army of young people who will perform monthly massive favours for Perth-based non-profits from tree-planting to wall-painting, beach-cleaning and beyond.
Imagine 100 young people from all across Perth coming together regularly to get their hands dirty doing good and celebrating with enormous flash-mobs of ludicrous stupidity. This is a unique opportunity for those who care about youth community involvement to create big change, bring volunteering into the mainstream and help grow an organisation. Together we can create a world where volunteering is as mainstream as cheeseburgers and breathing!
Youth Tree is looking for passionate, creative, hardworking and friendly people (often more accurately described as "nerds with social skills") aged 14-30 to fill the following positions. Each position is for a minimum period of 12 months commencing in November 2009. Positions are on a voluntary basis and will involve an ongoing commitment of 10-15 hours per week.
More info on positions and fill in online form by 5pm, Tuesday October the 20th. Successful applicants will be notified by email by October 23rd to arrange an interview.
Caron Macneall, Environmental Officer Native Vegetation Conservation Branch of the Department of Environment and Conservation is organising a Quiz Night to raise money for the Homeless Connect Perth Project.
Lots of people from work (Department of Environment and Conservation) will be there on the night and it might be a good networking opportunity for Green Drinkers according to Caron, so come along if you like quizes and want to help the project.
THE EDGE at the Australian International Furniture Fair is Sydney's hottest place for new and emerging furniture designers from Australia and across the globe. Don't miss this opportunity, apply now! A lucrative prize pool awaits the winners of THE EDGE awards in the categories Commercial, Concept, Student and Green Design. Applications close 5pm Wednesday 14 October 2009.
Click here to download the application form. For further information please contact THE EDGE Curator Uli Hasel on email Fair Organiser Australian Exhibitions & Conferences Telephone +61 3 9654 7773 Email Web
For me it's always blog action day on this topic. Blog Action Day is organising another action day on the 15th this month, so if you like to participate just follow this link to register.