Critical mass bike ride for international day of action on climate change-the biggest simultaneous climate action ever.
Meet outside of the PICA gallery, at the cultural center in Perth at 11am.
Take the streets to the esplanade where we assemble for an aerial photo in formation! then we cruise to parliament house, to meet the other rally.
Critical mass at a critical point in time for humanity! Ride to show the world that we will not wait patiently for an irreversible climate catastrophe!
The COP15 International climate negotiations are set to take place in Copenhagen this December, and we need to send the strongest possible message to the federal government that Australians want to see a binding climate agreement to stabilise emissions at three hundred and fifty parts per million - the minimum level that scientists believe will be necessary to avert disastrous climate change. With over 2000 actions occurring in over 150 countries, we can all be a part of a climate solution.
After Perth, it’s on to Fremantle, at a friendly pace, finishing up at Clancy's fish pub at around 2pm.
For more info, check out, or the Australian Youth Climate Coalition's website
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