It involves simple logo which manufacturers can apply to have placed on their environmentally friendlier building product and a complex, detailed and globally accredited cradle-to-grave life-cycle assessments of the environmental impacts of those products.
Under GreenTag, each door, window frame, light fitting, piece of timber, floor covering, paint product or any other building material can be assessed against six summary criteria, and potentially hundreds of other indicators, including issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, health risks of pollutants, impacts on biodiversity and the health and welfare of workers together with social benefits.
For example, each bit of wood in the door of Baggs’ office has had an impact on the environment in 241 different ways. ‘... you look at the energy it took to make the door. You ask how durable the timber is,’ he says ‘Did the wood come from a sustainable source? How was it harvested and what was the waste and energy from that process.’
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