You are invited for the Perth Green Drinks on 6 April 2010
Green Drinks is for anyone involved in the environment and related fields. Green groups / NGOs, Freelancers and consultants, Companies, Students, Academics, Government departments, Local Authorities, Younger as well as older people so please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in meeting other people related to sustainability.
Green Drinks is a self-organizing network of professionals, students and enthusiasts working in sustainability who meet up in cities around the world for drinks once a month, or every second month in Perth. Everyone is invited to come and have fun, make contacts, get ideas, share information, find inspiration, and of course, to drink!
Green Drinks is GLOBAL: active in more than 600 cities worldwide!
When: Tuesday 6 April 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Where: Central TAFE East Perth Campus at 140 Royal Street, come by train, just 2 minutes from Claissebrook station. There plenty of free parking available at the back of the building off the Brown Street entrance.
How: Central Institute of Technology is providing one voucher per person for a choice of drink + nibbles on the table. Following drinks non alcoholic.
What: Network, interact, talk, laugh, debate, drink, have fun!
RSVP: Before Thursday 1 April 5pm - rsvp@central.wa.edu.au
SPEAKER: Janet Grogan
Want to learn a bit more about GM?
Janet has been part of the GM Campaign in WA for over 7 years. From the 'Say No to GMO' campaign has grown a state -wide network renamed the GM Free Consumers Network. They closely work with communities, shires, consumers and growers to share their common goal of maintaining the GM Free status of Western Australia, to ensure that a GM Free choice is protected, and demand strict liability to protect all non GM growers.
There’s lots happening – so let’s map our sustainability network
At the close of the GM session and continuing over drinks the Sustainable WA team will facilitate an interactive exercise to start mapping the sustainability network in WA. Facilitator, Rod Griffith, will guide you through an activity to collectively uncover and begin to link the range of organisations, groups and individuals already working on Sustainability in WA.
This is a preparatory activity for the “Big Splash”– WA’s largest and most inspiring conversation for sustainability - to be held on Sunday 23 May.
Hope to see you there!
Wilma van Boxtel
02 liaison Western Australia
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