Green Drinks is for anyone involved in the environment and related fields. Green groups / NGOs, Freelancers and consultants, Companies, Students, Academics, Government departments, Local Authorities, Younger as well as older people so please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in meeting other people related to sustainability.
When: Tuesday 1 June 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Where: Central (TAFE) East Perth Campus at 140 Royal Street, come by train, just 2 minutes from Claissebrook station. There plenty of free parking available at the back of the building off the Brown Street entrance. (Map on attachment)
How: Central Institute of Technology is providing one voucher per person for a choice of drink + nibbles on the table. Following drinks non alcoholic.
What: Network, interact, talk, laugh, debate, drink, have fun!
RSVP: Green Drinks is a free event but please rsvp before Thursday 26 May 5pm - rsvp@central.wa.edu.au
Topic of tonight: How do we get the next generation of designers, developers, engineers and architects ready to create sustainable products, production methods and buildings? Listen to three different views from three different disciplines; architecture and building, interior design and product design.
3 SPEAKERS: Ten minute talks in the theater by:
٠ David Plowright – Lecturer Architectural Technology & Building at Central Institute of Technology in Leederville
٠ John Frost – Lecturer Interior Design at Central Institute of Technology in Perth
٠ Wilma van Boxtel – Sessional Lecturer Product Design at Curtin University and Casual lecturer Design at Central Institute of Technology in Perth
After the talks we go downstairs for drinks where some students are showing work done in our sustainable design classes.
Hope to see you there!
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