12 Sept 2011

Australia should adopt a few solar ideas from the Spanish...

On the outskirts of Seville, Spain, 600 rotating mirrors send shafts of light to a collector atop a soaring 380-foot- (115-meter-) tall tower. Its scalding 480-degree-Fahrenheit (250-degree-Celsius) steam drives a turbine generating a peak capacity of 11 megawatts (MW) of electricity for the national grid. This "power tower" was the first of nine built by Spanish engineering giant Abengoa Solar.

Spain overtakes US with world's biggest solar power station July 2010
Spain has opened the world's largest solar power station, meaning that it overtakes the US as the biggest solar generator in the world. The nation's total solar power production is now equivalent to the output of a nuclear power station.

We have plenty of desert areas to use for this kind of giant projects to create electricity. But there is not much out there yet except research reports...

Western Australia's Concentrated Solar Power Potential Jan. 2011
Researchers from the University of Western Australia say Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies have excellent potential to generate clean, renewable electricity for communities and mining operations throughout the state's vast Wheatbelt.

Potential of concentrating solar power in Australia A CSIRO report from June 2011

It's about time something will be done with all the technology available and proven! Instead of playing around with urging individuals to put panels on their roofs, promising nice schemes which are stopped with no warning while there are heaps of possibilities to be done nationally to cover a whole area.

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