“There have been numerous contamination incidents associated with GM crop trials, such as the ‘low-risk’ GM rice trial that Bayer conducted in the US which resulted in widespread contamination and cost the US rice industry $1.2 billion, ” said Ms MacLaren.
“Monsanto abandoned plans to commercialise GM wheat in 2004 (GM Canola is approved in WA) because of fears of market rejection and Colin Barnett has promised Japanese buyers that GM wheat will not be grown here. By allowing field trials of GM wheat, the WA Government is potentially jeopardising our $1.7 billion wheat export market,” added Ms MacLaren.
“Questions also need to be asked about the WA Government’s New genes for new environments program. Why is the Government wasting $9 million of taxpayers money developing GM crops when there is no market for them, and traits such as drought and frost tolerance can be more easily developed using other means?” concluded Ms MacLaren.
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And although there is no market, before 10 February the government is going to advise if this trial in the open field near Merridin is going to happen or not.
If you don't like that to happen, click on the link and send them an email why!
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