3 Aug 2008

What should I wear?

However, even organic cotton isn't perfect. It can be a thirsty crop, and as designers and manufacturers seek sustainability (or merely the eco-dollar, depending on your level of cynicism) other fabrics are being hailed as sustainable saviours.

They include vegetarian silk (made by allowing silkworms to live their full life cycles, rather than boiling them alive), bamboo, hemp, cork, wood pulp, corn, stinging nettles and soy fabric, made from the recycled leftovers of tofu manufacturing. Apparently it feels like cashmere.

Good old-fashioned wool, of course, is a wonderful renewable resource when it's organic - made without all the chemical drips, drenches, cleaners and irresponsible land use that can feature in conventional production.

Ideally, we would avoid new clothes where possible, instead stocking our wardrobes with pre-loved items from op shops and retro stores.

Read article
And that's what I do! I hate shopping, always have, so once in a while I visit Good Sammy's and come home with beautiful 5 dollar jeans and 1 dollar shirts, often never worn! Ideal, It looks good, feels comfy, is sustainable and it's cheap ;)

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