25 Nov 2007

Hi there,

This is my first time 'blogging' or doing anything that contributes to the cyberworld of technological exchange apart from the usual email exchange and current obsession with facebook that seems to be happening to most people in my demographic. I am usually quite the introverted person when it comes to things I really care about and wish to see change in the world, and usually just share my thoughts with close friends and people of like minds, which I’m sure many people do. So I am thankful to Wilma for starting this Blog up and setting up a platform for this kind of forum and information exchange. Thanks Wilma

I have so far only attended the one Green Drinks event at Kings Park, but was convinced enough that there are really enough people in the world who care about the important things. And as the results of this years election goes to Labour and not to the deaf ears of the Liberal Party, that’s enough encouragement to know that there are enough people out there willing to change.

And so as Julie the speaker from the second Green Drinks quoted Gandhi:
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” I would just like to take this opportunity to just start blogging


  1. This was a great first blog!!!
    And I am looking forward to many interesting more.
    I am very happy to welcome you to the club :)

  2. Anonymous26.11.07

    Hi Danushka! ::waves hello::

    Looking forward to hearing more from you :)
