You are invited for the Perth Green Drinks on 3 August 2010
When: Tuesday 3 August 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Where: Central (TAFE) East Perth Campus at 140 Royal Street, come by train, just 2 minutes from Claissebrook station. There plenty of free parking available at the back of the building off the Brown Street entrance. (More info and map on attachment)
How: Central Institute of Technology is providing one voucher per person for a choice of drink + finger food. Following drinks are non alcoholic.
What: Network, interact, talk, laugh, debate, drink, have fun!
RSVP: Green Drinks is a free event but please rsvp before Thursday 29 July 5pm - rsvp@central.wa.edu.au
Topic of tonight: Simplifying Climate Policies coordinated by Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ).
An opportunity to understand and ask questions regarding the fundamentals of the climate policies of The Australian Greens, The Australian Labor Party and The Liberal Party of Australia. Presentations will be made by:
Senator Rachel Siewert from the Australian Greens, Senator Louise Pratt from the Australian Labor Party and Senator Alan Eggelston from the Liberal Party of Australia.
Hope to see you there!
Wilma van Boxtel
Vicki-Lee Tarca
Central Institute of Technology
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