15 Oct 2007

Blog Action Day

Today is Blog Action Day, which means that participating Blogs should write a topic about the environment. But this whole Blog is about the environment... That's why I want to tell you about my way of working and how I try to be good to the world:
I work at home, which is very friendly for the environment because I don't drive a car to work. When I go out to see clients or to the university or TAFE do my lectures I take the train and often a combination of bicycle and train. I do almost everything digital to save paper (= trees) and started a class Blog with one of my classes to see if it works to work paperless. I remember that clients looked a bit weird when they met me for the first time when I came to the appointment with only a memory stick instead of a big portfolio with drawings and sketches. Now I have a laptop which makes it a bit easier to meet everywhere I want. I reuse and recycle everything around me. We have a couple of chooks in the garden who eat all scraps, next to the pen is a compost pile for clippings, coffee and teabags. I mix chicken poo with the compost for the vegie garden. The garden is mulched twice a year and don't use the reticulation on the lawn in summer. When I go to the supermarket I try to avoid certain packaging because they are too damaging to the environment. I buy bulk instead of everything wrapped separate and have nice glass jars at home. Go to the markets for nuts, dried fruit and beans and of course fresh produce. Bake my own bread (not always but at least once a week) Use the dishwasher when it's full and wash clothes once a week. Save the first few liters of cold water in the shower for the pot plants and don't use the airco in summer but put the doors open when the sea breeze is coming in. Put an extra sweater on in winter when it's getting cold and go outside in the sun regularly to warm up my freezing hands (when working behind the computer) I am not very materialistic, I prefer a good meal and a hike in the bush to all kind of electronic gadgets. When I need to buy something like a washing machine I make sure it has all the Eco friendly star's and have a water saving shower head. I think there are heaps more to improve specially because I work behind the computer which is on all day and often to late night...

What about your way?


  1. Anonymous16.10.07

    That's a pretty comprehensive list! I think the biggest thing is your working from home, very cool.

    For myself, I'm gradually switching all my purchases to green ones, I buy green power, I'm learning how to garden organically (I'm looking forward to my first home-grown organic food!), reading up on the environment, trying to reduce the amount of waste I create and water that I use, and recently have bought a Prius as our shared car.

    I'm planning on getting solar hot water (to further reduce our electricity use) and water-saving devices through the house, a rain-water tank for the garden, and I'm now wondering about working from home... :)

  2. I can recommend the gardening, it's delicious to eat fresh produce straight of your own garden but you have to be keen on slugs and so... And some insect invaded my tomatoes :(
