Scheme Design Parameters
Rate - 40 c/kWh for net electricity exported to the grid. This rate is in addition to buyback schemes offered through Synergy and Horizon Power;
Recipients will receive payments for 10 years;
System size must be consistent with Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme and will be limited to 5kW for Synergy customers and 10kW per phase (30kW in total) for Horizon Power customers; and
The scheme will be reviewed every 3 years or 10MW of new generation to assess the ongoing level of support required in light of changing economics and technologies.
Includes photovoltaic, wind and micro-hydro energy technologies. Emerging technologies may be included upon review;
Scheme is open to residential applicants only;
Includes all current and future eligible systems;
The system must be owned by the home owner (including tenanted properties); and
Applicant must also be eligible for and participate in the Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme.
The scheme will be administered by Synergy and Horizon Power. Existing customers of the Renewable Energy Buyback Scheme will receive further information regarding payments from their respective electricity retailer.
Information here and here
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