24 Jun 2010

Waste to wonderful: the 10 oddest new uses for our rubbish

For some very lateral-thinking entrepreneurs, finding waste meant finding an opportunity to make money. They are some of the oddest uses for waste you're likely to hear.

UNDER OUR NOSES, our bottoms, in our garbage bins, on our streets and in our landfills is waste. Lots of it. But for some very lateral-thinking entrepreneurs, finding the waste, meant finding an opportunity to make money. The 10 ideas that follow are no simple cash-a-can exchange scheme, however. They are some of the oddest uses for waste you're likely to hear.
Read it here

-Fish from beer waste
-Vegies from urine
-Platinum from road grime
-ET from your downtime
-Landscaping from printer cartridges
-Families from left-overs
-Electricity from guests
-Fuel from fish
-Biodiversity from waste
-Recycling, reduction and recovery

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